by Teshome Debalke
Every violation of truth is not only a sort of suicide in the liar, but is a stab at the health of human society.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Lately the ruling tyrant’s disappearance captured the Media and the public attentions and sent confusion to the Woyane
camp. There is no explanation why the usually talkative tyrant and the star of TPLF decided to play hide-and-seek with his comrades-in-crime and the Ethiopian public at large. The underline problem isn’t his disappearance or his comrades’ confusion but the price we have to pay because of their deception.
Regardless of the drama, Woyane is playing the same delay tactics to prevent the unavoidable downfall of its tyrannical rule. One-way or the other and sooner or later the tyrant will bits dirt so his comrades. Noting would change that reality. If anything, we should talk about who take the responsibility for Melse’s crimes against humanity and corruption.
The TPLF regime and its surrogates are determined to continue their deception on the expenses of our people. All these years they didn’t learn about the era of tyranny and daylight robbery waiting for death sentence. They failed to swallow the bitter pill the days of treachery in the name of Ethnic Federalism, Revolutionary Democracy and Development expired way before they understood the meanings. The stooges couldn’t wrap their mind around the ‘good old days’ of Woyane sponsored terrorism in the name of fighting it is over. It is no longer going to be a meal ticket to finance their rule and to cover-up their corruptions. They failed to grasp; maneuvering to marginalize those that expose them to the truth of their criminality is dead and buried for good.
What remained of Woyane tyranny are the assassins willing to shoot and kill and the puppies chewing on the blood money they amassed on the back of Ethiopians. If there is one thing the stooges succeeded the blood money they accumulated tuned them in to vampires.
The stooges in Diaspora had better opportunity to speedup the learning process of their comrades at home. Instead, they got worst; hoping against all hope they choose to comfort the rotten regime with more deceit of their own hiding in the free world. Their behavior can only be explained by the flow of blood money that blinded them not to see what is coming.
Truth telling, rather the lack of it is what kept us under tyranny for too long. Everybody, including the stooges knows Woyane is the most deceptive regime in history. In fact, many people look for all kind of excuses not to tell the obvious truth as they see it. For that reason alone we remain poor, undeveloped, disfranchised and under the mercy of ethnic tyranny.
Understandably Woyane stooges have no choice but live off on deception because their life began and will end on it. There is no way they can tell the truth and live to see it. Take for instance the disappearance of the mini tyrant, Melse Zenawi. In the Woyane tradition of deceit the man that claimed the people gave his party 99.64% vote of ‘a five-year contract’ to rule is no where found. It gets interesting when the stooges make a fool of themselves to hide a ‘Prime Minster’ and claim there is a government in Ethiopia than a one man show.
Once again, it proved Woyane’s contract to rule doesn’t worth the paper it is written on and signed by none other than the worthless cadres masquerading as Election Board members. It goes the same with Judges that deliver the tyrant’s verdict, Security Personnel that kill on order and Lawmakers that sign blank paper for the tyrant to fill the rest. It gotten so bad even the identities of Woyane stooges are forged.
“There is nothing in the world more shameful than establishing one’s self on lies and fables”wrote the German poet, novelist, philosopher, and scientist Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
Those among us that spoke the truth are jailed and suffering under those that lies for a living. Our fear of facing the truth kept us in an open prison under tyranny. We need to show backbones to change course and exist on Truth Avenue to burry tyranny once and for all to reach our destination to freedom. We can’t any longer afford the deceptive Woyane built roads would lead us to anywhere nor will go away by some divine intervention.
As Woyane run for its life we need to understand its death isn’t enough to free us from the bondage of tyranny until the double thinkers embrace the truth. They shouldn’t any longer get free ride faking reality to extend the life of tyranny just because.
In short, the little tyrant may have gotten what he deserve for leading Woyane’s atrocities and corruption on the people of Ethiopia. But, truth telling goes beyond putting a little tyrant out of business in order to transform our society in to 21st century.
Goethe went on to say “The first and last thing required of genius is, love of the truth.” We have to love the truth more than we hate tyranny,
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