
Friday, September 7, 2012

Ethiopia: Ginbot7 Gearing Up for Change in Government

7 September 2012 [ESAT]
Ginbot 7 Movement for Justice, Liberty and DemocracySenior leaders of Ginbot7, Abebe Bogale and Dr. Tadesse Biru, disclosed to ESAT that their movement is working expeditiously to bring EPRDF to the negotiation table or remove it from power altogether. According to them all efforts exerted so far have produced appreciable results and a slew of coercive measures are underway to hasten the process of political change in Ethiopia.
The two leaders have emphasised the role EPRDF could play in averting a serious and highly consequential political crises. The only viable way forward is to embrace the inescapable political change and work towards a transitional arrangement where all political actors will have a role in governing the country until a duly constituted and democratically elected government takes over. 
The two leaders warned if EPRDF is not willing to negotiate, then change will come through other mechanisms including violent revolution.
The two leaders say over the previous four years their organization has been operating modelled as a transitional government and were confident in their movements’ capacity to fill any void  should the EPRDF government is to collapse.
According to the leaders, the movement has worked tirelessly to bring all political forces towards cooperation.  Other efforts to break the pervasive media monopoly EPRDF has been enjoying for a long time has been successful.  Ginbot7 of today is a movement with a strong and efficient organizational structure said the confident duo.

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